A Marta Fàbregas, fotógrafa, artista y curadora de Crossroads 2020, siempre le ha fascinado el collage y la investigación de lo nuevo. Sostener la imagen en sus manos, poder tocarla, manipularla y transformarla, le llevó a la técnica de la transfotografía. Reutilizar fotos antiguas de otros fotógrafos, manipularlas y reinterpretarlas son sus formas de volver a hacer visible lo que ya era invisible, de dignificar lo que el hombre había arruinado; es su propia manera de viajar en el tiempo, transformar, transmutar, transfigurar y transferirnos a una nueva realidad.
Diría que mi principal talento es saber capturar, de manera rápida y natural, la belleza de las cosas que me rodean. De ahí viene la fuerza de mi trabajo. Creo en el poder transformador del arte. Sin lugar a dudas, la empatía, la implicación y la creatividad son lo que le da a cada proyecto en el que participo un poder y un carácter que lo hace especial y único.

My name is Enrique Von Quin. I’m an avid collector of happy visions, or what some would consider an obsessive experience hoarder. My main objective is filling my eardrums with as many and varied sounds as possible. I have been fortunate enough to be in a position to work with new and old talent. I suppose that doesn’t say a lot, and it really doesn’t. What it boils down to is that I, through the years, have been privileged in a unique way to work with young and budding talent. I’m what the industry calls an A&R dude (Artists and Repertoire agent). Many times I’ve been asked what my job is. I don’t really know, and I wouldn’t be as arrogant as to define myself as this, that or the other. The truth is that in my universe, the only definition I can possibly come up with is that of an agent of change – meaning that I’m given raw and golden talent and I just help it find a way to its destiny. I work in Los Angeles with various labels, producers, and artists. I’ve been fortunate enough to be hired by J Records, Island Def Jam Music, Hollywood Records, OneRepublic (under exclusive contract), ArtHouse Entertainment, Syco Music, and various other independent groups and indie labels. I don’t play any instruments, I’m not a musician. I do have a very educated ear that helps me make my decisions. I rely on thousands upon thousands of hours of music I’ve listened to over the years. (The 10,000 hour rule, kinda thing).
So in a nutshell, I’m just another kid who listened to records as a young boy and dreamt about being in a studio with a bunch of musicians. Through hard work and a LOT of luck, I was fortunate enough to do it. Love, be loved and be well.